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Total : 104
Number of Outputs 8 of Outputs 20 of Outputs 40 of Outputs 60 of Outputs 80 of Outputs 100 of Outputs
First Reader’s Digest Issue in Korea and Original Artwork for the Korean Title
Deep Rooted Tree, First Issue
Seunggyeongdo Game Board in Hangeul and Yunmok Dice
Eonmun Banjeolpyo
Gukmun Cheopgyeong
New Reader of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Contemporary Writings
Sinjeong Simsang Sohak
Wooden Tray Inscribed with “Jeongmi Maengdong Garyesi”
Dongui Bogam Tangaekpyeon
Taesang Gameungpyeon Doseol Eonhae
Hangeul Petition Written by Mrs. Kim to the King
Dongmun Yuhae
Samunseonghwi Vol. 1 & 2
Jahyul Jeoncheuk
Guhwang Chwaryo
Sohak Eonhae
Geumganggyeong Samgahae
Neungeomkyeongeonhae (楞嚴經諺解), Second Book (Gangyeongdogam)Buddhist scripture translated in Hangeul
Eonhae Taesanjibyo(諺解胎産集要), Summary of Gynecological Prescriptions with Annotation in Vernacular Korean Language
Hoonmaengjeongeum (訓盲正音), Hangeul Braille
Hangeul Letter written by Queen Sunwon (純元王后) to Princess Deokon
Gong Byeong-wu Typewriter, First commercialized Typewriter
Sajeol Boksaek Jajang Yoram(四節服色自藏要覽), Reference book of royal female costume
Myeongchijajeon(明治字典), Chinese character dictionary
Kukmoonjeongli(國文正理), First Modern Grammar Study of Hangeul (Korean)
Haepyeong Yunssi Buin Hangeul WonjeongLawsuit filed by a widow, Haepyeong Yunssi
Hangeul Jeomja Book (Handwritten Original)Hangeul-Braille Instruction Book
Nakseongbiryong(洛星飛龍), A war novel
Yuhap(類合), Chinese Book for Beginners
Jeonunokpyun(全韻玉篇), First Chinese-Korean dictionary
Gyujangjeonun(奎章全韻), Collation of Chinese Characters
Parkssi Eondan(諺單), Widow Park’s Petition
Gyeongminpyeononhae(警民編諺解), A Book about ethics and customs written in Hangeul
Garyeeonhae(家禮諺解), Translated Book of Chinese Garye (Confucian rituals)
Haneomunjeon(韓語文典), Korean Grammar Book for Japanese
Ilhantonghwa(日韓通話), Korean Textbook for Japanese
Samyokchonghae(三譯總解), Manju Gisun Textbook for Koreans
A Concise Dictionary of the Korean Language In Two Parts, Korean-English and English-Korean
Revised Korean Grammar (깁더 조선말본)
Records of Countries on the East Sea (해동제국기 海東諸國記)
Elementary Korean Textbook (초등국어교본)
Women’s Encyclopedia (규합총서 閨閤叢書)
Queen Jeongsun’s Korean Letters (정순왕후 한글 편지)
A Collection of Joseon Proverbs (조선이언집 朝鮮俚諺集)
Progress on the Path to Heaven (천로역정 天路歷程)
Joseon Geography Book (조선지지 朝鮮地誌)
Songs of Green Hills (청구영언 靑丘永言)
Lessons for Women (훈부록 訓婦錄)
Hangeul (한글)
Primary Reading Book (소학독본 小學讀本)
Youth (소년 少年)
A Memoir of Two Generations of Seols (설씨이대록 薛氏二代錄)
Little French–Korean Dictionary (법한자전 法韓字典 Petit Dictionaire Français-Coréen)
Primary Learning through Essential Words (명물소학 名物小學)
Poems by Du Fu, Korean Translation (두시언해 杜詩諺解)
Essential Lessons for Women (내훈촬요 內訓撮要)
Yeogeo yuhae (譯語類解)
Mongeo yuhae (蒙語類解)
Jeungsu muwollok eonhae (增修無冤錄諺解)
Byeogon sinbang (辟瘟新方)
Magyeong cho eonhae (馬經抄諺解)
Junggan nogeoldae eonhae (重刊老乞大諺解)
Oryun haengsildo (五倫行實圖)
Sok samgang haengsildo (續三綱行實圖)
Yohan bogeumjeon
Samgukji tongsong yeonui (三國志通俗演義)
Muye dobo tongji eonhae (武藝圖譜通志諺解)
Dongguk sinsok samgang haengsildo (東國新續三綱行實圖)
Seonggyeong jikae (聖經直解)
Amitagyeong eonhae (阿彌陀經諺解)
Mongsan hwasang beobeo yangnok eonhae (蒙山和尙法語略錄諺解)
Maengja eonhae (孟子諺解)
Songgang gasa(松江歌辭)
Wongakgyeong eonhae (圓覺經諺解)
Gugeupbang (救急方)
Seonjong Yeonggajip Eonhae
Song Gi-ju Typewriter
Malmoi Manuscript
Badugi wa Cheolsu
Discourse on the Stages of Yogic Practice, Volume 20
The Story of Hong Gil-dong
Beophwagyeong Eonhae
Samgang Haengsildo
Jeongjo Eopil Hangeul Pyeonjicheop
Gani-byeokonbang Eonhae
Bumoeunjunggyeong Eonhae
The Daehanmaeilsinbo
하단메뉴 영역